Vietnam harbours an incredibly rich biodiversity, but many species of plants and animals are facing extinction due to poaching and habitat loss, fuelled by the devastating Vietnam war and the miraculous economical development during the recent decades.

EAZA’s Vietnamazing Campaign aims to build a powerful conservation network to highlight and help to conserve the biodiversity hotspot of Vietnam by focusing on the great strengths of our community through an applied One Plan Approach.

We will be working together to build bridges between EAZA institutions, our visitors, Vietnamese and international conservation partners and beyond by linking conservation planning processes, in situ and ex situ conservation with habitat restoration efforts, scientific research, conservation education, fundraising and public awareness to highlight and help protect vietnamazing species, their habitats and ecosystems!


  1. Highlighting the uniqueness of the biodiversity hotspot Vietnam
  2. Living the One Plan Approach
  3. Building bridges between the EAZA community and Vietnamese as well as international conservation and research partners
  4. Fulfilling the objectives of pre-selected flagship projects
  5. Providing financial and technical support and creating long-term partnerships to drive the conservation efforts for selected highly threatened species and their habitats
  6. Strengthening the ex situ conservation efforts for highly threatened species at EAZA institutions and beyond


Vietnam has highly diverse ecosystems with a unique biodiversity. Many of the species are endemic to Vietnam and the region, which means that they are only found here. If we lose them, we will lose them forever.


Even some large mammals were only discovered in recent decades, e.g. Saola in 1992 or the Large-antlered Muntjac in 1994. But, we have to take care as many species may vanish before being discovered or shortly after.


One of the biggest threats for Vietnamese animals is illegal hunting. Many species are sold on markets as expensive delicacies. Snakes, turtles, primates, pangolins and bear bile amongst others are used for traditional medicine.


Habitat destruction also has a big impact on Vietnam’s biodiversity. Originally, nearly half of the entire country was covered with forest. Today, 40 % of forest habitats have vanished.

Together we can make a difference

The following people were instrumental for bringing the Vietnamazing campaign to life.


  • Prof Dr Jörg Junhold (Zoo Leipzig)
  • Prof Theo Pagel (Kölner Zoo)

Campaign Team Members:

  • Ruth Diekmann (Kölner Zoo)
  • Claudia Haase (Zoo Leipzig)
  • Camille Haiczak (Zooparc de Beauval)
  • Prof Dr Le Duc Minh (Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies)
  • Dr Brice Lefaux (Parc zoologique et botanique  de Mulhouse)
  • Constanze Mager (Burgers’ Zoo)
  • Michael Meyerhoff (Zoo Leipzig)
  • Dr Viktoria Michel (Tierpark Görlitz/ZGAP)
  • Prof Dr Nguyen Quang Truong (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources)
  • Radoslaw Ratajszczak (EPRC)
  • Andreas Rodefeld (Zoo Leipzig)
  • Lucia Schröder (Kölner Zoo)
  • Dr Arne Schulze (ZGAP)
  • Marcel Stawinoga (Zoo Dortmund)
  • Roland Wirth (ZGAP)
  • Prof Dr Thomas Ziegler (Kölner Zoo)
  • Merel Zimmermann (EAZA Executive Office)